In the times of the growing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic combined with other pressing issues in the Polish Parlament, some of the planned legislative changes have been lately given less attention, both by legislative bodies and other entities. Although the women’s rights have recently become a topic of a very fierce debate on the Polish political scene, the discussion covers areas other than wage gap, and currently the question of wage inequalities between women and men and possible means of combating this phenomenon has been overshadowed by more urgent issues. These may be the reasons why the works on the parliamentary bill on the change of the Labour Code (No. 463) have not advanced lately. According to the applicants, the project is aimed at improving the position of women in the labour market and strengthening the legal instruments ensuring respect for the principle of equal treatment in terms of equal pay – comments Julia Wróbel in her article on Lexology.
Categories: News, Legal update
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