Allegro has entered into an investment agreement with eBilet Polska. GKR Legal advised on the transaction
We are glad to announce that GKR Legal assisted the shareholder of eBilet Polska, an owner of, a leading…
We are glad to announce that GKR Legal assisted the shareholder of eBilet Polska, an owner of, a leading…
We are pleased to invite brokers to the webinar ⇥ Cybersecurity Violation ⇤ which will take place on December 5…
During the 590 Congress we will talk about how the state should institutionally and legally support Polish family businesses. Businesses that…
On November 9, we met with the fellow lawyers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland to talk about the latest challenges…
Anna Golebiowska is participating in the autumn meeting of PTMG members (Pharmaceutical Trademark Group) in Dubrovnik this week. PTMG is…
GKR Legal has successfully represented the renowned car manufacturer in the court litigation against an importer of counterfeiting grills, driver…
Anna Gołębiowska will represent our law office at a cyclical meeting of the IP IT Law Group Europe network, which…
4 września weszły w życie przepisy nowelizujące ustawę o zwalczaniu nieuczciwej konkurencji[1] (dalej UZNK). Głównym celem zmian była konieczność implementacji…
Przygotowany przez Ministerstwo Przedsiębiorczości i Technologii projekt ustawy o zmianie ustawy – Prawo własności przemysłowej to odpowiedź na konieczność implementacji…